Historically, bioinformatics concerned itself with the analysis of the sequences of genes and their products ( proteins), but the field has since expanded to the management, processing, analysis and visualization of large quantities of data from genomics, proteomics, drug screening and medicinal chemistry. 历史上生物信息学涉及基因序列和其产物蛋白质的分析,但是该领域已经扩展到从基因组学、蛋白组学、药物筛选和药物化学中获得的大量资料的管理、处理、分析和形象化。
The Practice and Experience of Community Electronic Health Data Screening 社区电子健康档案数据集的遴选实践与体会
In the first stage, the reference ranges of leukocytes and neutrophils were revised, utilizing computerized data from the Department of medical screening in a hospital. 首先,我们利用本院健康检查中心的资料,将白血球和中性球的参考值加以修正。
Combined application of data obtained during screening can provide an effective basis for product troubleshooting, performance design as well as technology and reliability improvement. 综合运用筛选过程中获得的数据,可以为产品的故障排除、性能设计、工艺水平、可靠性的提高提供有效依据。
A large amount of complex data will be produced in virtual screening and the effective management of these data is the basis of next research in drug discovery. 虚拟筛选过程将产生大量复杂的中间数据,对这些数据的有效管理是下阶段新药研发的基础。
Of148 countries ( 28%) that provided data on screening for transfusion-transmissible infections, 41 were not able to screen the donated blood for one or more of the markers. 在就筛检可通过输血传播的感染提供数据的148个国家中,有41个(28%)未能对捐献的血液筛检一项或多项标志物。
Complete and accurate data on the screening of donated blood are not available from many developing countries, particularly those where blood services are not coordinated. 大多数发展中国家,尤其是那些采供血机构未得到协调的国家,都未提供有关对捐献的血液进行筛查的完整而且准确的数据。
Data on syphilis testing capacity, screening coverage and types of syphilis tests used were collected from all types of public medical facilities offering prenatal care ( n= 109). 所运用的梅毒测试能力、筛查覆盖率和梅毒测试类型方面的数据从提供产前护理的所有类型公共医疗机构(n=109)处收集。
These parameters will provide a scientific data for screening and synthesis new thiourea compounds. 这些参数为新的硫脲类化合物的合成和筛选提供了依据。
Objective To understand the knowledge, attitude and behavior about fragile X syndrome among the parents of mentally retarded students, so as to provide basic data for further screening population at high risk. 目的了解培智学校学生家长对脆性X综合征的认知状况,为进一步对此病的高危筛查提供基础信息。
Objective To quantify the characteristics of the auditory brainstem responses ( ABR) in the normal newborns, in order to provide a data for newborn hearing screening. 目的分析新生儿听性脑干反应(auditorybrainstemresponses,ABR)的基本特征,为国内开展新生儿ABR检测及听力筛选提供依据。
Differentiate bacteria gene types and identify bacteria strains, provide base data for screening and supervise drug-fast gene. 基因芯片还可用来对细菌基因的分型和菌种鉴定,为筛选和监测细菌的抗药性基因提供基础数据。
A computer-based system, which can control dye laser scan, fiber micro flat removal and data acquisition, was developed in high-throughput screening catalysts by combinatorial chemistry. 在用组合化学方法筛选催化剂的实验过程中,需要建立一套计算机控制系统,通过控制染料激光器的扫描、光纤微动平台的移动以及数据采集,达到高通量快速筛选催化剂的目的。
Real-time traffic data screening and reconstruction 实时交通数据的筛选与恢复研究
Four methods for ITS ( Intelligent transportation system) detector data screening in traffic management systems are discussed in detail. 探讨交通管理系统中筛选实时交通数据的四种方法;
Objective: To investigate the relationship between signalman's personality characteristics and their performance so as to provide psychological data for the screening of signalmen. 目的:探讨通信兵的人格特征与工作绩效的关系,为通信兵岗位的心理选拔提供依据。
Data screening can identify the error data from the raw sensor data, and assure the reliability of input information to traffic related functions. 通过数据筛选可以识别出交通传感器原始数据中的错误数据,保证了各种交通模型输入信息的可靠性。
Cluster analysis of data obtained from in vitro tests for screening developmental toxicants 发育毒物体外筛选试验的聚类分析
This exceptionally industry data collection, data screening analysis and mathematical models to calculate the final instance of the analysis steps described in detail in the budget to do the preparation methods and preparation of the rate process. 本文分外业数据的收集、数据的筛选分析、运用数学模型进行计算及最终的实例分析等几个步骤详细阐述了预算编办中费率的编制方法和编制过程。
Using a variety of methods of mathematical statistics, namely the AS kidney Governor cold syndrome TCM Therapeutic Evaluation epidemiological data for statistical analysis of data from different angles, cold syndrome screening AS kidney Christ Evaluation Scale entries. 运用多种数理统计方法,分别对AS肾虚督寒证中医疗效评价流行病学调查资料数据进行统计分析,从不同角度筛选AS肾虚督寒证疗效评价量表的条目。
Chapter ⅳ describes the data sources and indicators of screening. 第四章介绍了数据的来源以及指标的筛选。
The remaining two groups 'initial screening rate of the data was relatively low, for the screening was in the beginning stage, and the initial screening rate will be increased significantly when the work carried out step by step. 后两组数据的初筛率较低,考虑其原因可能为筛查的开始阶段,工作未走上常规化,待工作逐步开展之后,初筛率将大幅度上升。
In this dissertation, an integrated biomarker system was developed using clinical information and multilevel laboratory data. Then some screening methods, like artifical intelligence techniques, significance test and ROC analysis were applied to obtain the optimal biomarker for clinical challenges. 1. 本文结合临床信息和多层次的实验室数据建立整合生物标志物体系,并通过人工智能、显著性分析和ROC分析等方法进行生物标志物的筛选以解决临床难题。
The above two sets of data meet the screening criteria. 上面两组资料均符合筛选标准。
These data indicators based on the initial screening comes mainly from experience and all kinds of documents. 这些数据指标的初步筛选依据主要来源于经验和各种文献。
While achieving a flexible, easy to configure the data screening method, simplifying the online customization process, and enhance the flexibility of the functional modules. 同时实现了一种灵活的,易于配置的数据筛选方法,简化了在线定制流程,增强了该功能模块的灵活性。
It introduces the visual attention mechanism into the image processing, which reduces the amount of data by screening and selecting the important area of the image. 图像的显著性区域检测属于视觉显著性分析范畴,它将视觉注意机制引入到图像处理中,通过筛选出人眼认为的重要区域,从而减少数据处理量。
To consider the five hospitals 'screening data and to calculate their respective initial screening rates and again screening rates. 将这五家医院的筛查数据分别考虑,计算其各自的初筛率与复筛率。
Inventory survey was employed in this study. Data was collected by distress mangement screening measure, satisfaction scale for cancer care and patients basic information form. 研究采用现况调查方法,应用心理痛苦管理筛查工具、癌症照护满意度量表、患者基本情况调查表收集资料。